Let’s Talk Green, Initiating Eco Conversations with Friends

In our ever-evolving world, the need for environmental awareness and sustainable practices is more important than ever. In this journey towards a sustainable future, one of the most powerful steps we can take is to spread awareness and encourage others to adopt eco-friendly practices. However, the power of eco-conversations lies not only in their ability to raise awareness but also in their potential to drive meaningful change, encourage innovation, and foster a global sense of responsibility. In a world that is more interconnected than ever, these conversations transcend borders and cultures, emphasizing that environmental issues are not isolated concerns but shared challenges.

Beyond awareness, eco-conversations inspire individuals to take action by challenging the status quo and encouraging creative solutions to environmental problems. And what better way to start than by having conversations with our friends? By sharing our passion for going green, we can inspire others to make small changes that collectively have a significant positive impact on the environment. The influence of social circles on individual behaviors and attitudes is well documented, and harnessing this influence can be a driving force for positive change.

During our time at CIPSEM, while learning about different aspects of environmental management, we developed strong friendships and learned from each other about different sustainable practices followed at home and issues related to green behavior in our different countries. Our friendly conversations over coffee and during treks have led us to adopt new sustainable practices in our daily routines. Therefore, inspired by our personal experiences that have strengthened our commitment to living a sustainable life, we are sharing with you some simple steps to start eco conversations with your friends and family.

First, we would like to ask you a few questions. Do you find it difficult to explain the benefits of green practices to your friends? Are you concerned about the future of our planet and want to do something about it? 

You may find answers to your questions in this blog.

Below, we’ll discuss some friendly and effective ways to start conversations with your friends and family about going green.

Starting the Dialogue to taking Action – 7 steps

EM 46 Participants talking about going green.
Photo Credits: Manop Kaewfoo.

Step 1 – Choose the Right Moment:

Timing is everything! Find an appropriate time when both you and your friend are relaxed and open to conversation. Choose a quiet and casual setting, such as a walk in the park, over coffee, or during a hangout. By choosing the right time and place, you will create a comfortable environment that encourages open dialogue.

A calm nature setting with seating islands can be a great place to start an eco conversation.
Photo Credits: Manop Kaewfoo.

Step 2 – Share Personal Experiences:

Begin the conversation by highlighting shared values and concerns about the environment. Talk about the beauty of nature and its importance in our lives. Share your personal experiences with environmental stewardship. Talk about the positive changes you have made in your own life, such as reducing plastic waste, conserving energy, choosing sustainable transportation methods, or simply adopting an eco-friendly attitude. Explain that if we want to make the world a better place, change starts with us. Speaking from your own perspective makes it relatable and encourages your friends to share their own experiences and thoughts.

Step 3 – Be Positive and Non-Judgmental:

Approach the conversation with a positive, non-judgmental attitude. Instead of criticizing your friends’ current habits, focus on the benefits and rewards of adopting sustainable practices. Talk about the positive impact these changes can have on their health, finances, and the environment. Emphasize the idea that going green is a journey and that every small step counts.

Step 4 – Highlight Benefits and Exciting Trends:

Going green is not just about sacrifice; it is also about discovering exciting opportunities and trends. Mention the innovative eco-friendly products such as reusable water bottles, solar-powered gadgets or sustainable fashion options. Share interesting stories and statistics about the positive effects of sustainable practices, such as a reduced carbon footprint or cost savings from energy-efficient appliances.

Step 5 – Offer Practical Tips and Resources:

Provide your friends with practical tips and resources to help them get started. Offer suggestions for simple changes they can make, such as switching to LED light bulbs, recycling, or reducing food waste. Point them to reliable sources of information, such as documentaries, books, or online platforms that provide guidance on green living. Encourage them to join local community initiatives or environmentally conscious organizations where they can find support and inspiration.

Step 6 – Plan Green Activities Together:

Make the conversation interactive and engaging by planning green activities or challenges together. Suggest activities such as community clean-ups, gardening, cooking vegetarian meals, or visiting sustainable businesses in your area. By doing these activities as a group, you will build a sense of camaraderie and support each other in your sustainable efforts.

Authors on a cycling trip in Dresden, a great activity to bond over eco-conversations.
Photo Credits: Omobayo Ghislain Zoffoun.

Step 7 – Create empathy towards environmental disasters happening around the world:

You could discuss the risks associated with extreme weather events and how each of us can help reduce the impact of these events by making small behavioral changes. Project risk scenarios to friends, such as how you would get to a hospital during a flood event. Asking if your friends have experienced high summer temperatures while walking to the supermarket. In addition, initiate positive discussions about how a simple urban/balcony garden can increase the bee population responsible for pollination and bringing food to our tables.

Now that you know the simple steps to start an eco-conversation, go talk to your friend!

The power of eco-conversations is undeniable. They are not just conversations; they are catalysts for change, bringing people together in their shared commitment to protecting our planet and opening doors for collective action. By approaching the topic with a friendly, non-judgmental attitude, sharing your experiences, and highlighting the benefits of green practices, you can encourage your friends to embark on their own green journeys. Whether it’s reducing waste, conserving energy, or supporting green businesses, these discussions motivate people to make meaningful changes in their everyday lives. Together, we can make a big difference and contribute to a more sustainable future for our planet. So let’s talk green and spread the message of sustainability, one conversation at a time.

by Manop Kaewfoo (Thailand), Marcel Loyd Minka, (Cameroon), Senikiwe Faith Tsile, (Botswana),  Natahly Samoela, (Madagascar), Priti Sharma, (India) – Participants of the 46th UNEP/UNESCO/BMUV International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management for Developing Countries.

One thought on “Let’s Talk Green, Initiating Eco Conversations with Friends”

  1. Good article, great insights. Climate protection should be a lifestyle, and a value we share with our social environment.


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