Nine Hours of Cycling, 62.8 km through 7 Villages, 104 Birds Seen: My First Bird Race Experience in Dresden, Germany

The intersection of birdwatching and cycling may seem unconventional at first glance, but for avid enthusiasts, it offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature while exploring new territories in an environmentally friendly way”. Recently, I had the privilege of participating in my first bird race in Dresden, Germany, where I embarked on an exhilarating 62.8 km journey through seven picturesque villages and nine serene ponds/lakes, all while spotting an impressive array of avian species. Join me as I recount the highlights of this unforgettable adventure and delve into the fascinating world of birdwatching on CO2 emission-free wheels.

The Bird Race Experience

The fun of bird watching, the charitable commitment to preserving the bird world, and the creation of great public interest, which is essential for communicating nature and bird protection issues – all of this is what the Birdrace of the Umbrella Association of German Avifaunists combines. On the surface, it may sound bizarre, not only to outsiders but also to some ornithologists, to treat bird watching as a sporting competition. But at second glance there is much more to it than the self-amusement of rarity hunters” This is what Bird Race stands for.

My first BirdRace day began with eager anticipation as my team of five fellow birdwatchers convened in Dresden Airport, armed with binoculars, field guides, cameras, and more importantly our CO2 emission-free wheels (bicycles). With a shared passion for avian discovery, our mission was to Visit as many habitats as possible, and spot as many birds as possible while having fun on wheels.

As we pedaled away from Dresden Airport, the excitement was palpable. Our journey took us through verdant landscapes, quaint hamlets, and lush forests, each offering its unique habitat for birdlife. Our route took us through a scenic landscape, passing through the enchanting villages of Friedewald, Moritzburg, Bärwalde, Rödern, Radeburg, Barbisdorf, and Kurort Volkersdof. Each village had its unique charm, with quaint cottages, and lush greenery. As we cycled along, we could not help but marvel at the beauty of our surroundings, feeling a sense of tranquillity and connection with nature.

Throughout the day, we made frequent stops at ponds and lakes, including the Oberer Waldteich, Johann-Georgen Teich, Steingrundteich, Dippelsdorfer Teich, Schlossteich, Mittelteich, Frauenteich, and Schösserteich. These serene bodies of water provided habitat for a myriad of bird species, and we eagerly scanned the skies and water’s edge for any signs of movement. From the tranquil shores of Oberer Waldteich to the bustling reed beds of Schösserteich, every stop along our route held the promise of new avian encounters.

Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)

Spotting a diverse array of bird species became our primary goal, and with each sighting, our excitement grew. From majestic raptors like the White-tailed Eagle, Common Buzzard, Osprey, and Red Kite through the Waterfowls like the Mute Swan, Grey Herron, and Great Crested Grabe to delicate songbirds like the Common Blackbird,  European Robin, and Common Nightingale, we were treated to a spectacular display of avian diversity.

Common Blackbird (Turdus merula)

Highlights and Sightings

Among the 104 bird species we encountered, several stand out as memorable highlights of our bird race adventure. The elegant grace of the Great Crested Grebe and the regal presence of the White Storks in the fields foraging on insects left a lasting impression, while the distinctive call of the Eurasian Cuckoo and Golden Oriole echoed through the woodlands, adding a soundtrack to our journey.

White Stork (Ciconia ciconia)

As the journey unfolded in Friedewald, the serene ambiance of the morning enveloped me, infusing a sense of tranquillity and anticipation. Pedaling through the winding streets, I found myself immersed in the rustic charm of this picturesque village. The air was crisp, carrying the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers, while the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to my exploration.

Upon reaching Oberer Waldteich, one of the first stops on our birding itinerary, we were greeted by the enchanting sight of a Goldeneye gliding effortlessly across the tranquil waters. Its elegant silhouette cast a serene reflection, mirroring the peaceful ambiance of the surrounding landscape. With my binoculars poised for action, I marveled at the grace and agility of this elusive waterfowl as it navigated its aquatic realm with effortless precision.

Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula)

Continuing our journey through Moritzburg, we were captivated by the majestic presence of a Great Crested Grebe, its sleek form cutting through the surface of Schlossteich with graceful ease. The shimmering waters of the pond provided a mesmerizing backdrop for observing this magnificent bird in its natural habitat. With each dive and resurfacing, the Great Crested Grebe showcased its remarkable diving prowess, leaving me in awe of its aquatic prowess. The serene pond proved to be a haven for waterfowl as we saw some Mute Swans gliding gracefully across the surface while others collected materials to prepare their nest and Eurasian Coots diving for food below.

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor)

As we traversed through the village of Bärwalde, the rustic allure of this cottage nestled amidst verdant meadows captured my imagination, while the idyllic countryside vistas of Rödern offered a panoramic canvas of rolling hills and lush valleys. With each passing village, I found myself enchanted by the diverse tapestry of landscapes and wildlife that adorned the rural countryside.

In every corner of Dresden’s countryside, we cycled through including the quaint village of Radeburg, we were greeted by the cheerful chirping of Sparrows and the melodious songs of Robins. The sight of terns, swifts, and swallows darting across the water brought a sense of magic to our journey, reminding us of the delicate balance of life in these aquatic ecosystems.

Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra)


As our nine-hour bird race came to an end, we couldn’t help but reflect on the profound connection we felt with nature during our journey. Beyond the thrill of spotting rare bird species and exploring new territories with our bikes, our experience reinforced the importance of conservation efforts in preserving the rich biodiversity of our planet. It also became clear that cycling and birdwatching is fun.

Through initiatives like bird races, we have the opportunity to raise awareness within ourselves about the importance of protecting natural habitats and safeguarding the future of our feathered friends. By fostering a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the avian world, we can inspire others to join us in our efforts to create a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with nature.

Eurasian Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)

My first bird race experience in Dresden was a journey filled with adventure, discovery, and profound appreciation for the beauty of the natural world. As I reflect on the sights and sounds of our nine-hour cycling odyssey, I am reminded of the power of birdwatching to unite people in a shared passion for conservation and environmental stewardship. Whether you are an experienced birder or a novice enthusiast, I encourage you to embark on your birdwatching adventure and discover the magic of the avian world firsthand.

– written by Joseph K. Afrifa (Ghana), participant of EM47

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